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Toggenburgs are believed to be the oldest breed of dairy goat! They also hail from Switzerland. Currently the milk production record is held by a Toggenburg, since 1997. 

Toggenburgs are an exciting addition to the farm.


We are very excited to add our first few Toggenburgs to the herd. Their impressive genetics and production potential are exactly what we want for our growing farm.


We are very proud of our beautiful, productive goats! We are busily focusing on expanding the genetic base of our herd very selectively, choosing any additions specifically to add certain traits to offspring. 


We are very much looking forward to the growth of our herd, and really enjoy showing and participating in DHIA milk test.

American Toggenburgs


Our American Toggenburgs come from very successful herds, both in the ring and in the pail. We are really looking forward to growing this new breed in our herd and seeing what new heights we can reach in performance and production. â€‹


As with the Oberhaslis, Toggenburgs have a large herdbook that includes both Purebred and American pedigrees. Also hailing from Switzerland, the original genetics are very limited, so breeders do their best with everything they have to work with. Currently, due to availability and quality of breeding stock we have access to, we are primarily focusing on American Toggenburgs for now. In the future, we'd love to add some high quality Purebreds, too, but want to work on our foundation first. 


We have so many wonderful people to thank


We have been so fortunate to have excellent mentors and herds contribute to our young farm. We'd like to thank these herds in particular:


AV Glacier View, a wonderful dairy herd in Richmond, IL that we met at the 2014 ADGA National Show and have been friends with ever since. 


Quality Crest, a very well known and highly influential herd in Crowley, TX.

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