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About Us

Our Mission:
Preserving our heritage to feed our future
Heritage Breed Preservation
Since we started our little farm, our main goals have been centered around heritage breeds and traditions. We want to contribute to the preservation of rare and important livestock breeds to help ensure they never become lost. By raising awareness and proving their contribution to modern agriculture, we hope to help sustain the genetic contribution of all the species we raise. 
Quality, Homegrown and Homemade Products

Everything we produce, be it something we raise or something we craft, is handled with thought and care. We take everything we do seriously, and work hard to make sure it is the best it can be. We participate in performance programs, currently including: ADGA sanctioned goat shows, DHIR milk testing, Linear Appraisal, and genetic testing. By carefully selecting top quality breeding stock, and feeding the best diets possible to our livestock, we work hard to continue on our upward trajectory. In return, our animals give us the best of the best. Our free range duck eggs are creamy, rich, and delicious. Our goat milk helps us craft wonderful soap and nourishes our farm. Our hogs turn the earth, clear our brush, and give us incredible meat. We love the bounty we receive from our farm. Our long-term goals for our farm include producing at least 90% of our household groceries. It is our opinion that homegrown is the best from both a nutritional and flavor standpoint. Like everyone, we want to provide the best for our family. 

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