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Experimental Oberhaslis

Here are our Experimental Oberhaslis. They currently all are 100% Oberhasli, but have a parent that is chestnut. We are hoping to breed some chestnuts of our own, to contribute to the breed and its research.

In Theory Andromeda, 2/7/16
"Andromeda," is a gorgeous black doe with tremendous potential. She placed third in her class in the Recorded Grade show at the 2016 ADGA National Show! Her sire is a beautiful chestnut buck, Sir Echo Brit. One of triplet does, her sisters have freshened as yearlings, and their udders are nothing short of amazing. We held off on freshening Andromeda this year, but can't wait to breed her this summer to our Experimental buck. We hope to end up with some chestnut animals of our own!
In Theory Harlot's Hellion, 4/2/17
"Helly," also has a chestnut parent, in his case it's his dam: Devonshire Highland Harlot. She's a gorgeous first freshener with a super high, well-attached, globular udder. The kind we like best! Helly is a pretty little boy, and we can't wait to mix his fantastic genetics with Andromeda in the future. 
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